If you are calling about the new requirements for driver's licenses under the work and family mobility act as of July first, twenty twenty three, please press one. For all other RMV transactions, please press two."
If you are calling to inquire about resetting your password on your MyRMV account, please press one or say password. If you are calling for information about a registration appointment, please press two or say appointment."
Calling the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles is actually a simple, straightforward experience. When I dialed, I was taken to the automated system, where I was told that I could make the most possible transactions by visiting the website for the RMV. I was further told that if I needed in-person help, it was strongly recommended that I make a reservation with a local RMV branch.
If I did not make an appointment, I was welcome to come in on a weekday, but I would be served at a lower priority than customers who had made an appointment online. Additionally, I would not be promised service if too many customers had made an appointment.
The system then offered me several options to select the purpose for my call, including making an appointment, changing my password, getting new registration and license questions. I opted for registration and was told that I'd need to get a vehicle inspection every year along with my registration. I was then given the option to renew or make a new registration, and I said I was calling about a new registration.
At this, the automated system immediately transferred me to a representative, and I was connected in less than 30 seconds. I told her that I would be relocating to Massachusetts and wanted to know what I would need to do to title and register my vehicle in the Commonwealth. She told me I would need to bring proof of ownership or my previous registration if I did not own the vehicle and was still making payments. She said I'd also need a title application, which my insurance company would provide, as I would require Massachusetts insurance to proceed.
She then said I'd need to bring proof of address and my job title. I asked her how much it would cost to get my car titled and registered, and she said it would cost $60, with a higher fee, if I wanted to get a vanity license plate. I then asked if there was anything else that I needed to know, and she said that was all. With no other questions, I thanked her for her time and ended the call.
Overall, I thought this was a very good experience. I didn't have any kind of wait to speak to a representative, and the automated system was both thorough and responsive. It didn't pick up strange noises, it didn't take forever to recognize me making a selection, and it didn't have any delays in getting me to where I wanted to go. I had no wait and was easily able to get the information I needed to help with my question.
Based on this experience, if I were a bona fide customer of the Massachusetts RMV, I would not hesitate to use this number for assistance.