Bungie.net Customer Service Issues

Archive 15

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Bungie.net customer service, archive #15. It includes a selection of 17 issue(s) reported December 22, 2022 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I am requesting a refund for my son's pre-order of Light Fall. We have decided not to play your game because it is rated T for teen and not M for mature. The kiss between Saint 14 and Osiris was unnecessary and inappropriate for my children. Our family consists of five players, including myself, a Day 1 Destiny player. Your inclusion of this mature content has led us to discontinue our support for your game. I am seeking a full refund for my son's pre-order. His Bungie ID is HapaWolverine, and mine is MerrikVoxx.
Reported by GetHuman-rowinkai on четверг, 22 декабря 2022 г., 18:17
I have played Destiny 1 for a long time and connected my old PlayStation account data to Destiny 2, obtaining old ships and skins. I then created a new PlayStation account for Destiny 2. I am looking to transfer my old Destiny 1 data from my previous PlayStation account to my new one to access the old ships and skins. I have been searching for a solution for weeks but haven't found one. I can provide proof of ownership for both accounts. Is it possible to disconnect my old Destiny 1 account from the old PSN and connect it to the new one? If you need further information, please contact me via email.
Reported by GetHuman-urchflo on понедельник, 9 января 2023 г., 21:12
Hola, me gustaría saber por qué en las pruebas de Osiris me emparejan con gente que ya llegó al faro o claramente tiene alguna manera de modificar el juego. Yo no he llegado al faro esta temporada, pero me emparejan con gente de PlayStation solamente, y no me deja disfrutar de un rato de juego competitivo. No me emparejan con gente de mi nivel ni con personas que jueguen solas; me emparejan con grupos de tres, donde hay una persona haciendo "carries" claramente a los otros dos. Gracias a que pagaron por un servicio, literalmente desequilibran el juego basado en lo competitivo y la experiencia del jugador. No les interesa en lo más mínimo. Quiero una respuesta decente sobre por qué son tan incompetentes en satisfacer las ganas de una buena experiencia competitiva y no simplemente una masacre de gente. He estado frustrado todo el día gracias a su emparejamiento deficiente. Son una pésima empresa que no sabe cómo optimizar bien el PVP. Quédense solo con su PVE, que tampoco es que sea tan bueno. Espero su respuesta pronto.
Reported by GetHuman8115841 on суббота, 21 января 2023 г., 7:02
I am contacting you about an issue I am experiencing with my Destiny 2 account. I have been encountering the same error (error chicken) whenever I try to log in to the game. Oddly enough, my girlfriend can log in without any trouble, indicating that my Internet connection is not the source of the problem. Another strange occurrence is that whenever I attempt to play, my friends on the list experience crashes and lose connection to the server. They even had to remove me from their friend list to resolve the issue. Additionally, the Destiny mobile app cannot retrieve data for my account. I appreciate any assistance you can provide. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8323680 on вторник, 25 апреля 2023 г., 13:32
My Destiny 2 account on Steam got banned due to unauthorized use by a player from Shanghai who cheated in Trials of Osiris. I take responsibility for not having Steam Guard enabled and seeking assistance for a Dungeon run from a friend that same night. Losing access to 9 years of progress feels devastating as Destiny was a significant part of my life. I've attempted to appeal the ban but received automated responses that close after 7 days, with follow-up requests closing within 24 hours. Many users have expressed similar frustrations, signaling a lack of transparency and support for affected players. I am simply asking for a chance to rectify this issue. As a result, I have stored away my Destiny merchandise and removed associated media from my profiles as per the Terms and Conditions directive.
Reported by GetHuman8358560 on четверг, 11 мая 2023 г., 16:15
When attempting to manage my Destiny clan, there appears to be an issue where two accounts, both under the name ShoulderCharger#[redacted], are being displayed. The clan's founder mentioned it has been inactive since [redacted], despite it being the same account. Presently, I am consistently logged into the active account instead of being able to access my own clan and clanmates in Destiny 1. Due to this website/account error, I am unable to properly manage my clan. My primary goal is to view my clanmates in the game on Destiny 1 within the roster tab and regain access to the founder of my clan.
Reported by GetHuman8389678 on пятница, 26 мая 2023 г., 3:53
Hello, I'm experiencing an issue with linking my Steam account to my Bungie profile. Currently, there is another account linked to my profile that no longer exists. I kindly request to have that account unlinked so I can link my new one. I am prepared to provide all the necessary data for my other accounts except the one that no longer exists. This issue is preventing me from accessing content that I have invested time and money into, totaling [redacted] euros. I hope this can be resolved promptly.
Reported by GetHuman8405676 on пятница, 2 июня 2023 г., 14:20
I keep encountering the error code "beagle" while playing Destiny 2 on my PC. I have taken steps to address it, such as verifying game files and reinstalling the game on three separate hard drives. However, the issue persists. Whenever I launch the game, it attempts to install and verify content, only to indicate that the game data is unreadable and a full installation is needed. How can I resolve this error for good? Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8415804 on вторник, 6 июня 2023 г., 23:24
Hallo, Ich habe ein Problem mit dem Destiny 2 Fehlercode "Beagle - Nicht lesbare Dateien". Ich spiele über Steam und habe das Spiel bereits mehrmals heruntergeladen, den Anbieter gewechselt und die Festplatte geändert, aber das Problem besteht weiterhin. Ich habe auch auf help.bungie.net nachgesehen, jedoch bezieht sich der Artikel nur auf die X-Box [redacted]. Das Problem besteht nun schon seit einer Woche. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn mir jemand bei der Lösung helfen könnte. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Reported by GetHuman8457545 on воскресенье, 25 июня 2023 г., 17:50
Hello, I'm Gun4Hire504. I've been experiencing the chicken error on my PS5 since last night at 10 pm when trying to log in before selecting my character in Destiny. I've tried all the recommended solutions but the issue persists only on my account. I logged in under my wife's account without any problems. When I checked the Destiny 2 app with my account, it showed that I have no characters. I even attempted to play on my wife's system, but the problem persisted with my account. I'm looking for some insight into what may be causing this and if my account is recoverable or not. I've noticed others facing the same issue but haven't seen any response from Bungie yet.
Reported by GetHuman8474810 on воскресенье, 2 июля 2023 г., 20:24
I am sending this message because for a while now, some dungeons and even raids have been bugged in the sense that either the mobs don't spawn or are stuck in walls. Also, some loot items that should drop normally are inaccessible, and no one knows how to obtain them. Your bungie.net help is not helpful at all. Unfortunately, some players would like to receive all the rewards from a raid or dungeon, but it is impossible since some items like ships, sparrows, banners, certain weapons, and armor are not obtainable. We would appreciate if you could improve the drop rates for all of these items, especially the shaders or ships, and prevent disconnection bugs in the middle of a quest.
Reported by GetHuman-duncanrp on понедельник, 10 июля 2023 г., 12:54
I am facing restrictions in playing Destiny 2 multiplayer due to an internet issue caused by nearby construction. The community's internet problems have led to Bungie restricting my access to certain game features. I am not at fault and urge them to lift the restrictions. I have tried contacting them via phone and email but haven't received any responses. This situation feels like harassment and unfair judgment on my part. I have paid for Xbox Live and the games to enjoy playing without such restrictions. This restriction is unjust and inappropriate. Are these actions sanctioned by your corporation?
Reported by GetHuman8518532 on суббота, 22 июля 2023 г., 0:13
Hello, I am having trouble linking my Destiny PlayStation account to my Steam account. I connected my account on the Bungie website, but I was not able to choose my characters and now I am getting an error message. The message says: "Your Steam cross save configuration needs your attention: You recently disabled the cross save link from your accounts. You will need to wait 88 days before you can attempt again." My email address for the account is [redacted] and my name is ArssoniK_AmneziK.
Reported by GetHuman-fabp on пятница, 1 сентября 2023 г., 9:29
Subject: Connectivity Issues in Destiny 2 Dear Concerned Party, Recently, there have been several connectivity problems while trying to progress in Destiny 2. My fireteam, consisting of three members from the Tried and True Tetrad clan, have been diligently working towards reaching level 8 in our missions. Despite our efforts, we encountered repeated disconnects during our third weekly mission, "Desperate Measures," with error codes like BEE, ANTEATER, BABOON, and more. On a recent attempt against CALUS, we were disconnected mid-battle, causing our completion not to register. Tonight, after defeating CALUS in the second section, the game disconnected while the narration played, resulting in the weekly mission not being marked as complete. We urge you to grant us the credit for this mission so we can progress further in Destiny 2. Many of us, including StilettoClem#[redacted], PeggleMasterJ5#[redacted], and rcarr19#[redacted], have invested in this season and are disappointed by the recent gaming difficulties. Thank you for your understanding and assistance. StilettoClem
Reported by GetHuman-mizstarr on суббота, 23 сентября 2023 г., 3:19
Hello, I previously requested the return of my username due to hacking. My Steam account has been recovered, and security has been reinstated. However, my account was subsequently blocked. Please consider unblocking it since security has been restored. Steam acknowledged their error, attributing it to hackers breaching the database. My original handle was Telegance#[redacted] but the hacker changed it to taintmonkey#[redacted]. I urge you to restore access to my account and revert the handle to the original Telegance#[redacted]. If changing the handle is impossible, kindly restore game access as I did not violate any terms. I can provide a Steam letter confirming account restoration as evidence. Please exhibit understanding as a loyal fan and frequent patron of your services! I'm reaching out via email due to technical issues with your website feedback mechanism. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-kirushmi on суббота, 9 декабря 2023 г., 13:17
Hello Bungie team, I am writing to address the recent ban on my account, ImbaPirate#[redacted]. I am unsure of the cause as I have never utilized any unauthorized software or cheats. I disabled my firewall temporarily due to issues with downloading Destiny 2 on Steam. Destiny is a game I am passionate about, and I sincerely hope for a prompt resolution to this matter. Rest assured, my computer is free of any cheating programs. Thank you for your assistance in advance!
Reported by GetHuman-embapira on суббота, 27 января 2024 г., 18:19
Hi Bungie team, I was unexpectedly banned today, even though I have never used any cheating programs. I disabled the firewall before installing Destiny 2 from Steam as I was encountering download issues. I am a dedicated fan of Destiny and I am hopeful that my account will be unbanned promptly. The email connected to my Bungie.net account is [redacted] Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-embapira on суббота, 27 января 2024 г., 18:28

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